
This blog is purely my own thoughts, ideas and stuff i found out. Anything that is copied from any where else will be tagged with its proper credits

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ul'dah Leveling

Rank 2 - 8

Leve to do:

Camp Blackbrush:
4 x rank 1 battlecraft leves
2 + 2 x either of the 3 gathering leve. (Personally i will take mining and botanist)
DON'T FORGET to do your tutorial leves first, they do not use up leve limit and are extremely easily done.

This will make up the 8 regional leves you can do.

Note: You can start taking up 2 stars solo if you are about rank 5, so do it for the extra gil/exp/sp they provide.

Note: While doing a leve, you will notice that even if the SP giving range for mob rank vs your rank is much bigger, example, a mob of rank 1 will maybe stop giving you SP once you hit rank 5, but a rank 1 mob will still give a rank 8 SP if he is doing a leve. (This is what i noticed, need more observation.)

Local Leve:


You can take up to 3 crafts with up to 3 leves each. Sadly, you will have to give up 1 leve for either of the craft as there are a total of 9 leves for the 3 crafts but the limit is only 8.

The materials for these leves will be provided, but you need to get it from the npc yourselve. Most leve have the materials issued upon receiving of the leve, but the Momodi series of leve (1 for each craft) requires you to get the materials from a npc in Camp Blackbrush before you can start doing it.

Personally i would get Blacksmith, Armorer and Culinarian, probably giving up 1 of the culinarian leve.

Note: DO NOT leave local leves undone, they provide 400 SP and 1600 EXP Per successful craft (each leve may require you to craft up to 4 times for free!) if the recommended rank is within 2 rank of what you are.

Break down of what i get is:

Within 2 ranks to 3 rank above recommendation, 400 SP + 1600 EXP (example, rank 4 doing a rank 5 recommendation, or a rank 7 doing a rank 5 recommendation)
2 ranks below recommendation, 500-600 SP + 2000+ EXP (example, rank 3 doing a rank 5 recommendation)

Note: Without leve, synthesising something close to your rank only nets your 200 SP + 400 EXP. Failure of a craft will cause you to lose all your items! But may still give you about 100 SP.

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